I want to get as many people interested as possible to come partake in knowledge and know-how thanks to i-ACT , or else you are an oober lame-o, and don't deserve any title above being a super oober lame-o! But if you aren't a lame-o, and are cool and classy, then spread the word if you'd like to come hang out and be a cool cat with friends, learning about Sudan and the happenings in Darfur. Anyone and everyone slightly interested will be invited to chill on a couch and watch a story about a girl in Darfur named Guisma. I haven't seen the whole video yet, but I am eager to watch it, especially with good friends. =)
For years now, Darfur has been trampled with genocide, and displacement and death are still occurring today. According to the i-ACT page, There is "continuous fighting in the area, lack of access by humanitarian organizations, and little to no representation in negotiations has left the average Darfuri citizen in a dangerous limbo–with no end in sight."
Guisma’s eyes have seen what no child should ever see. Her home was destroyed. Brothers and sisters died. Most of her life lived as a refugee, with little hope for a safe and nurturing future — but Guisma still smiles. Guisma is Darfur, bombed and oppressed — but still beautiful and resilient. You have the opportunity to participate in creating a better future for her and all of Darfur. By participating, you shine a light on Guisma and Darfur’s road to peace.
This movie night will happen sometime in the next month, or so. I have signed up, but haven't set a date yet until I know when there's a best available time to do it.
In other news, I finished a mixed media drawing tonight, and I hope you interpret it in any way that inspires you. =)